
MEAT-ICO Innovative Circularity Options in Meat Processing industry

Date: 29-08-2024
MEAT-ICO is a circular economy project to give new life to waste from the ham supply chain through processes for the production of biomethane and biochar. It is a research project financed by the European Union under the POR FESR Emilia-Romagna 2021-2027 funds.Its objective is to develop a virtuous chain for the valorisation of meat processing line residues for the Emilia-Romagna Region with material and energy recovery,

YOU4BLUE-Young generations for sustainable blue growth Course online

Date: 05-04-2023

We created a course on the EMMA e-learning platform, for the YOU4BLUE project that aims to create for students a deep understanding of the specific context in which they live together, with a sense of belonging to their land (the islands and the "blue"), with a consequent incentive to take care of and protect it, and thus lead to more sustainable and healthy lifestyles and habits.

The course is structured in 5 main modules/lessons designed in 20 units. The lectures are carried out by the scientific partners of the project, namely: UNIVERSITA' CATTOLICA DEL SACRO CUORE (Italy), HELLENIC CENTRE FOR MARINE RESEARCH (Greece), AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS (Spain), Ittica Nora Soc. Coop. (Italy). The course is for the secondary school students.

You4Blue Project - Erasmus+

Date: 03-10-2022

YOU4BLUE is an educational project for high school students implemented in 3 Mediterranean islands (Sardinia, Crete, and Mallorca) of 3 different EU countries: Italy, Greece and Spain.

The project aims to promote a broad experience of sustainability for high school students, where marine resources are not only seen as a source of food but also recreation, spirituality, sports activities, culture, etc.

EU-ERASMUS+ Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions. YOU4BLUE-Young generations for sustainable blue growth, Grant agreement No. 2022-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000087250, 2022-2025​.

SIRAM Regenerative Agriculture

Date: 14-06-2022

SIRAM Regenerative Agriculture is a new EU-funded PRIMA project that aims to develop sustainable innovations for regenerative agriculture in the Mediterranean area through the use of beneficial microorganisms, crop varieties, agronomic practices and waste biomass. (2022-2025)

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E-learning on urban biodiversity for European students

Date: 03-08-2020
OpenTea designed, filmed and edited the theoretical and practical lessons for the on-line course of the Erasmus+ project "From Seed to Spoon". Students from Italy, Romania, Greece and Sweden learnt about food supply chain, ecosystem services and sustainable agriculture in cities and peri-urban areas. (2020 - 2022)

Among the activities implemented by OpenTea: to design and development of an e-learning course, creation of a Community of Practice for students, communication and dissemination activities.

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Citizen science initiative for sustainability in seafood

Date: 27-11-2019

OpenTEA is promoting the Giornate Del Pesce (Days of fish), a no profit citizen science initiative to involve consumers in the new challenges for a sustainable seafood sector. In particular, OpenTEA was responsible of: web platform development, public events organisation and facilitation, dissemination activities.

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