Network And Projects

Affiliated Projects

YOU4BLUE, EU-ERASMUS+ Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions. Young generations for sustainable blue growth, Grant agreeement No. 2022-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000087250, 2022-2025

SIRAM, PRIMA-H2020 Section 2-Multitopic 2021, Sustainable Innovations for Regeneratice Agriculture in the Mediterranean area, 2022-2025

S2S, EU-Erasmus+ Key action 201: Strategic Partnerships for school education, From Seed to Spoon, Reference no. 2019-1-IT02-KA201-062392, 2019-2022

BAPSI, EMFF-BlueEconomy-2018, Blue Academy for Professionals of the Seafood Industry, Grant agreement no. 863545, 2019-2022

BIOWAFER, POR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2014-2020, Biorefining Waste of the Agro Food Chain in Emilia Romagna. Protocol no. PG/2018/632170 admitted by resolution DPG/2019/4857 of 13/3/2019. 2019-2021

BTSF, EU-Tender CHAFEA/2017/BTSF/10 concerning the Organization and implementation of training activities on authorisation and evaluation of plant protection products, Better Training for Safer Food initiative, 2019-2021

SEAFOODTOMORROW, H2020-EU.3.2.5, Nutritious, safe and sustainable seafood for consumers of tomorrow, Grant agreement no. 7773400, 2017-2021

LASCUOLANELVERDE, Italian municipal project: Comune di Collecchio, AD n.755268 Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità Emilia Occidentale, 2017-2019

GLOBAQUA, EU-FP7 Theme: Water resources management under complex, multi-stressor conditions, Managing the effects of multiple stressors on aquatic ecosystems under water scarcity, Grant agreement no. 603629, 2014-2019

NATURALIBERA, Italian regional project: Regione Emilia Romagna, LR n.18/2016 - DI n. 650 4/10/18 Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità Emilia Occidentale, 2016-2018

LINEEGUIDA, Italian national programme focused on the development of Guidelines for Sustainable Use of Pesticide in a multi-stakeholder process, 2008-2018

SEA-on-a-CHIP, EU-FP7 Theme: Ocean 2013, Real time monitoring of SEA contaminants by an autonomous Lab-on-a-CHIP biosensor, Grant agreement No. 614168, 2014-2017

SUPTRAINING, EU-Erasmus+ Key action 2: Strategic Partnership, Development of an e-learning platform for the sustainable use of pesticides, Grant agreement no. 2014-1-FR01-KA202-008754, 2014-2016

4FUN, EU-FP7 Theme: Environment (including climate change), The FUture of FUlly integrated human exposure assessment of chemicals: Ensuring the long-term viability and technology transfer of the EU-FUNded 2-FUN tools as standardised solution. Grant agreement no. 308440, 2012-2015

BROWSE, EU-FP7 Theme: Environment (including climate change), Bystanders, Residents, Operators and Workers Exposure models for plant protection products, Grant agreement no. 265307, 2011-2014

VIVA, Italian national program to evaluate Italian wine-sector sustainability performances, supported by the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, 2011-on-going

We collaborated with

Adama Italia, AEIFORIA srl, Agricultural research centre, AlifAlterra Institute for Agricultural Research, Anfaco, Aquatt, AquimerARCHE consulting, Assoitticaitalia,  Athena Research & Innovation Information Technologies, Austrian Standards Institute, Azti,  BAYER Crop Science, BearingPoint, Benaki Phytopathological Institute, BioDNA, BiorexCapsenze, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Cest competence center, CESAF consorzio,Cetmar, CiimarCNRS-LEHNA, Consorzio Venezia Ricerche,ConxemarCrea, Csic, Davines, DelpierreDinglegymnasietAB-sweden, Doctoral School on the Agro-Food System, DOW, DtuEberhard Karls University of Tübingen,Ecole nationale d'agriculture de mekne's, Ecological finance architectures p.cEcuElectricité de France RDEngesundEnviresearch Ltd, Ethic ocean,  EUrelations AG, European crop protection, Europroject Bulgaria, Euro Fir,  Facilia AB, Federalimentari,  FederconsumatoriFlemish Institute for Technological Research, Group for Environmental Awareness Development, HCMR, Helmholtz Centre for Enviornmental Research, IlvoIAV, IDAEA-CSIC Institute of materials Science of Barcelona, Catalan Institute for Water Research Foundation, Imperial College London, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut de recerca i tecnologia agroalimentaries IPMA Mrag National competence centre for Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection, ICHAR Associazione Italiana Biochar, InVivo, Intrarom, I.S.I.SS Magnaghi Solari, Latteria Sociale Stallone, Ludwig-Maximillians-Universitaet Muenchen, Liceul tehnologic Nicolae Balcescu-Romania, Regulatory affairs infobrokerage faunistics, University of Ioannina, The Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere, Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia, Istituto Delta, Newcastle University, Opera Educational and Training, Overseas Qualified Professionals, Plymonth University, Plymouth marine Laboratory, Qub, Regional centre of agricultulture research of sidi BouzdiSavoma, Scalpro AS, SET BIRSwedish Meteorological & Hydrological Institute, Skaloma S.A, SITEIA.Parma, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Spanish Council for Scientific Research, Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, SSICA, Steriltom, Sule fishThe Arable Group, The Food and Environment Research Agency, The Norwegian Institute for Water Research, TNO Quality of Life, University of Belgrade, Universidade de CoibraUniversitat de Barcelona, Universitè Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Universitè de Bourgogne FrancheUniversità Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, TNO, Technical University of Munich, Terre cevico, Univerisy of Rome la SapienzaUniversità degli studi di Padova, University of Trento, University of the Basque Country, University of Ghent,University of Naples Federico II, University Sidi Mohamed BenabdellahJoint Research Centre - Institute for Environment and Sustaianability, Jožef Stefan Institute, UNIZG-FAZ, Wageningen University.

Last News

MEAT-ICO Innovative Circularity Options in Meat Processing industry

29 August 2024

YOU4BLUE-Young generations for sustainable blue growth Course online

05 April 2023

You4Blue Project - Erasmus+

03 October 2022

Check the whole news list here